The Lonely Endeavor By E.M. Youman

This is so true. Until you begin the journey to write, you really have no idea what is involved to create the final product of a story. And each one of us needs to find what works best for our creative process. Someone else might need to write with music blaring in the background. What works best for you? Personally I do best with playing classical music while I write. It seems to keep my critical internal editor preoccupied.

Happy Authors Guild

You’ve probably heard the saying that writing is a lonely endeavor. You put butt in chair and spend hours writing. At least that’s the way it is for me. Would you like to know what my writing environment is like? First off, the door has to be closed. Even if I’m at the house by myself. Don’t ask me why. A sliver of the window open, but if the wind or cars passing get too loud, shut that baby. My muse demands complete silence.

But another mantra that we always hear is that the art of writing is in the rewriting. After practicing for the last three years I can finally say I am beginning to understand what that entails. Rewriting is a combination of feedback and the dirty E for editing.


Comes from critique groups either online or off. First readers and beta readers. How an author…

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